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Here's what colleagues I've worked with during my communications career have to say...
I was really struck by how generous she was with her time and the professional sheen she brought to the writing I had already done was outstanding. Jennie's efforts in PR for my event activities have been nothing short of brilliant, and to top it all she is an extremely likeable person. I couldn't recommend her enough!
Charlie Watts SFHEA
Principal Lecturer - Associate Head Global Engagement & Educational Partnerships FMCT
Her knowledge of the intended audience was excellent and her copywriting always hit the spot! She worked well with a variety of clients and managed publications so that they met the intended deadline.
Liz Bourne
Book editor, Magazine editor, Proofreader, Copywriter
Jennie was a dedicated member of the team who often went out of her way to go above and beyond what was expected of her.
Lisa Egan
Content specialist, copywriter and marketing/communications consultant.